Wednesday, 28 April 2021

GooGle changes mean BLOGGER is broken on MOBILES !

 GooGle changes mean BLOGGER is broken !

I have been using Google's Blogger for years.  One of the reasons I like it, was that no matter what device someone was reading a blog on, the screen conten always fitted, whether it was being viewed on a Computer, Tablet, Phone etc.

Recently Google announced that it was no longer supporting mobile devices!

This came as a complete shock to me.  Google Blogger has always been great at resizing content at its default settings.  I am getting too old to start rewriting all my blog pages now.  

I just checked Wordpress, and my blogs there still fit all devices on all browsers by default.  I don;t understand what caused Google to stop supporting Mobile Devices, but I think it is a fairly strange thing to do.

It looks like I might have to start redirecting or mirroring all my BLOGGER posts across to WordPress, including the Resort business content!

I apologise now for any inconvenience caused by this very strange GooGle action.


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