Saturday, 18 April 2020

Mint Linux Dolphin File Manager Transparency - Ubuntu

What began as a simple interest in getting some of the Transparency theming across from my old KDE/Plasma desktops, to Mint has got a little bit out of hand.  That's obvious in the last post, but it has given my more insight into what can be done with Mint Xfce.

I started with the Dolphin File Manager simply because I already had it transparent in Plasma and I like having the desktop wallpaper showing through.
Then I discovered I could modify a few themes and have Wide Borders to grab with the mouse, plus some nice colourful big square buttons for Hide/Minimize-Maximize and Close.

The wide borders thing got taken to extremes in the last post.  So I went to work on changing another couple of themes I rather like that have borders smaller, but still bigger than the half a pixel that seem so popular these days - and are bloody near impossible to grab with a mouse.

So - With the exception of the first picture (Brave web browser) here are the most of the programs I have in Linux MINT 19.3 Xfce that have Transparency over large parts of their windows.

I still have only the bits of KDE that the individual applications require in order to function.
I have not installed KDE or Plasma Desktop.
The transparency and other changes are achieved using Compiz, some KDE Apps with some QT config tools, Kvantum theming engine, and some little mods to the window manager themes I'm using.

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