Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Fix GTK fonts in KDE - A Better Way

Recently I managed to setup KDE to make fonts in a few of my non-KDE programs at least readable.  But it was a hit and miss approach.  Since then I have found a much cleaner solution that is in the Linux Mint repository and might be in most other repos.  Unlike my previous effort, this method is pretty consistent across my various GTK programs.

If you are running KDE4.x Plasma, either search in Synaptic for kde-gtk-config, and install it, or open a terminal and:

sudo apt-get install kde-gtk-config

System Settings > Application Appearance.

In the left pane choose GTK.

Among other things you can adjust the font.
Mine was some weird Ubutu font with a size of 14.  Changing it to the font and same size I use in my KDE-qt Programs worked perfectly and seems to stick across things like Synaptic, Chrome, GIMP  and Geeqie among others.

If you modified things according to my previous post you might also have to go to Fonts while you are in System Settings and drop Force Fonts DPI back to 96 or turn it off.

If you did sudo systemsettings and made the changes as root you will have to go back there and turn off Force fonts DPI or at least reduce it to the default (96).

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